Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kim Kardashian : Thigh's the limit

Let’s face it, there are few things more annoying than celebrities with hot bodies complaining about their looks Anyone who saw recent episode of ‘Kourtney and Khloe take Miami’ where Khloe Kardashian whinged about her amazing-post baby body as she prepared for a magazine shoot would’ve been left fuming. Especially after witnessing the beautiful star faint with exhaustion from exercising too much in her mission to ‘tone up’.

And now her younger sister Kim has come out to say she has body hang ups.

Yes you read that right - the girl who posed nude for Playboy and who’s made a fortune off her to-die-for curves - hates her thighs.

Poor thing! It must be so hard being one of the most gorgeous women in the world and being unable to shift a couple of milligrammes of fat off your upper legs.

Apparently no matter how hard she works to look good, the 29-year-old just can’t get her legs to look the way she wants them to.

She said: “I really don’t like my thighs. No matter how much running I do, I just can’t get them how I want them to be. I wish they were smaller.”

Come on now. There’s only so much us normal women can take...

We can just about tolerate nightly installments of the Kardashians’ various shows on E! Entertainment, watching the stunning sisters go about their business in the skimpiest outfits ever.

We admire their figures and accept the jealousy - the more realistic ones among us may even remind ourselves if we weren’t sitting on the sofa watching these vacuous shows we too could have a shot at a Kardashian-esque bod.

But to hear these rich and priviliged babes whinge about their bodies takes the biscuit - a biscuit we wish they’d eat and understand what real fat looks like.

It’s easier to sympathise with girls like Jessica Simpson and Mariah Carey complaining about finding it difficult to stay in shape because the evidence is apparent - said weight is there for all to see. But when someone like Kim Kardashian, who’s never seen looking anything but her best complains, it somehow leaves a bad taste. Come on Kim, if you and our sisters weren’t so hot do you think you’d have your own reality show? Your mob hardly has the wit or wackiness of The Osbournes.

And if they’re not complaining about their looks, they’re pretending they couldn’t care less about their hot bods.

We were all thrilled when Jennifer Hudson slimmed down realising she must have wanted to change her shape and worked damned hard to achieve the figure she desired. But last week when she came out to say she’s “always been a person who’s comfortable with myself whether it’s plus-size or small size” most of us probably wanted to transport ourselves to her step class and ask why she was bothering to get in a sweat if she was happy the way she was.

Come on girls, celebrate your beauty - we all hate a whinger!
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